At, we provide flat-rate shipping for new generators shipped within the United States. For other new products, a flat-rate shipping charge will be added to orders with remote or challenging-to-reach addresses, additional shipping charges will apply.
How long before you can expect an item to ship out? Generally, it takes 3 days to fulfill your order. FedEx/UPS ground packages usually arrive around 7 days after the shipping date, but delays are always possible. All figures are estimates, and Generator Superstore cannot control shipping delays associated with any delivery service. Freight deliveries can vary depending on the origination of the shipment and the distance to the destination. Delays are always possible, and all processing and delivery figures are estimates. Any refused or undeliverable shipments are subject to all shipping costs and a 30% restocking fee.
All merchandise delivered via freight must be inspected for damage before you accept the item from the freight carrier. If there is damage to the unit, you should refuse the delivery. Items shipped ground should also be opened and inspected immediately upon arrival. Filing “concealed damage” claims with shipping companies and freight carriers is challenging. Damaged goods should be refused, and any damage to packaging should be noted on the driver’s copy of the Bill of Lading for any freight shipments. If the customer does not notate damage or missing items when signing, we cannot file a claim or provide a return/refund. Any refused shipments returned to Generator-Superstore or the manufacturer, where there isn’t evidence of damage to the item itself, will be subject to shipping and possible restocking fees.
Orders can be canceled until they ship. To recall a package that has shipped, both ways of shipping will be charged. Please keep in mind that if a tracking number is not uploaded, it is still possible that the item has shipped. There may have been a delay in communication with the manufacturer leading to the lack of tracking. Please check with us as soon as possible to cancel an order. Cancellations must be made over the phone during regular business hours to ensure it gets pulled before shipping. Cancellations cannot be made through email.
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