Due to the nature of the items featured, returns are only allowed on some products. Our return policy may vary per product type (new, used, or refurbished). For instance, items shipped directly by the manufacturer can be subject to different return expectations and fees. Please get in touch with us via phone to confirm.
If the item arrives and is not working, reasonable troubleshooting steps will need to be taken with the manufacturer to determine if the item is defective. If the thing is determined to be defective, the manufacturer will provide a resolution. If there are no problems with the item, the item is new and unopened; the buyer is responsible for original shipping costs and a restocking fee starting at 30%. Opened and or used items will not be eligible for returns. Shipping cost includes our shipping cost to send the item initially. Refunds will be sent directly to the credit card used to place the order. Returns cannot be accepted after 30 days. All requests would need to be directed to the manufacturer. Once a return has been approved, you have two weeks (10 business days) to ship the item back to the instructed location.
Whenever a restocking fee is applicable, we must reference that particular manufacturer’s requirement. Please check with us if you have any questions about the restocking fee for a specific product.